EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale

Weighing In

The Obesity Epidemic

          By now we are all aware that there is an epidemic of obesity in the United States.  This modern day scourge affects all age groups, from children through seniors.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that obesity affects more than one third of adults.  The American Heart Association states that the proportion of children who are obese has increased five times from 1974 to 2009.  The attendant health consequences have been well described in both the medical literature and the popular press and include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer and lower extremity osteoarthritis.  The two main contributors to obesity are overeating and lack of exercise, which means that this is a preventable health condition.  For many people it seems that they awaken one morning and find without warning that they are suddenly overweight.  But how did they get that way without knowing it?  Whether they truly did not see it coming or subconsciously ignored the obvious signs along the way, the end result is the same…they now have a major health problem.

Weigh Yourself Daily

          There is an easy way to help yourself confront reality.  Simply get into the habit of weighing yourself daily.  If you do this there will be no surprises and you will be able to catch the problem while it is still manageable.  By weighing yourself each day you will learn how to interpret the normal daily fluctuations in your weight based on factors such as hydration and exercise and you will be able to recognize a true increase in your weight.  At this stage you can more easily regulate your intake until you return to your ideal weight.  In essence, you will be titrating your weight by controlling intake and exercise.  For the most accurate readings, weigh yourself at the same time every day, preferably just before or after your daily shower without your clothes.

EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale
EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale

 An Excellent Scale

          I’m going to step out on a limb and do something I rarely do…recommend a specific product.  I recently gave up my old dial scale for a new digital scale and have been very impressed with both the accuracy and the ease of using this stylish new instrument.  It’s called the EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale and I purchased it through Amazon for less than $35…a real bargain!  All the experts say that a digital scale is more accurate than the old dial scales and this one is at the top of the pile in almost every review available through an online search.  By weighing yourself daily, you will find yourself more inclined to watch your diet and more motivated to get adequate exercise.  All right now, what are you waiting for!