A Cup of Coffee

Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Drinking Coffee May Be Beneficial to Your Health

          Could there actually be health benefits to drinking coffee? For years, coffee drinking has gone back and forth from the good list to the bad list, but now it appears that there are more benefits to moderate coffee drinking than harmful effects. In the various scientific studies that have come to this conclusion, moderate coffee drinking is defined as two to five cups per day.

          These studies indicate that coffee consumption may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and promote heart health, specifically reducing the risk of heart failure. Several studies have indicated that drinking coffee can reduce the incidence of both liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. Finally, coffee consumption seems to be associated with a lower incidence of Parkinson’s disease.

          It’s interesting to note that some of these beneficial effects are seen with decaffeinated coffee, as well. Of course, the benefits you may accrue will depend upon the other ingredients you add to your coffee, like cream and sugar. So, while heavy coffee consumption can increase blood pressure and may have other side effects in some individuals, for most of us, drinking coffee in moderation seems to be beneficial. In fact, it can lower the risk of premature death by up to 15% according to researchers at Harvard’s School of Public Health. So, if you enjoy a few cups of coffee each day as I do, ‘Here’s to your health’!

A Cup of Coffee
My Morning Cup of Coffee