Relieving a Toothache

Has Anyone Ever Tried This? 

Almost thirty years ago researchers at McGill University in Canada found an interesting way to relieve a toothache.  By rubbing ice on the back of the hand over the web between the thumb and index finger on the same side as the toothache the pain could be relieved by about 50%.  The theory is that nerve pathways in the web area stimulate an area of the brain that blocks pain signals from the face.  Interestingly, this web between the thumb and index finger is that same place where acupuncture needles are placed to relieve toothache pain.  It is important to understand that when this maneuver works it only provides temporary relief and should not delay a visit to the dentist.  I can’t wait to try this next time I have a toothache…on second thought, if any of our readers have had experience with this we’d sure like to hear your story in the comment section.